Sauerland 2018

Cologne at the Sea Lyrics Giant monsters of metal and steel Giant monsters with shovel and wheel Are digging big holes so nasty Holes as deep as the sea Many thanks, many thanks L.A.S.C.H.E.T 5000 cops marching in line 100 Kids on the other side Live in tree houses doing no harm Cops have order, order and arms There is order, there is law But the public they ignore The Forest Must be evicted Goverment we dont agree Cherrypicker is picking Kids Cherrypicker is picking tree Many thanks Minister L A S C H E T Chorus Big waves are … Sauerland 2018 weiterlesen

Villa Forest 2016

We are not goint home Lyrics When we go out S: We sing out loud In the streets S: We shout out loud They playing on the radio S: We ‘re not goin’ Home And afterwards S: Out in the park They smashed our heads S: Out in the dark We spit out blood and teeth S: We ‘re not goin’ Home The gangchief yells I am fed up with you No place to stay Find something new We think a while What to do but S: We ‘re not goin’ Home We ignore the signs S: We crossed the … Villa Forest 2016 weiterlesen